Saturday, July 17, 2010

I did get some more exercise...

Walking around the mall spending money. Now I know why I rarely go to the mall. Tennis shoes, bras, earrings, tarts and Mariah some school clothes over $200. But I have to say that lately my dad has just given me $1000 just being nice, which I am using on my credit card. Jackie won almost $3000 gambling in the last few days and she gave me $250. So I guess I won't ask her to pay her part of the cell phone bill this month. My family is great!!!
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Scale hates me

UGH. I can't get back on track. I am not getting my exercise in because life is getting in the way. I have just a little too much and not moving enough. Things have got to change soon. I did get to swim for 40 min today until it started storming. Tomorrow is another day.
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